Membership benefits


Access the latest green building news, research, and information about rating systems. There will be reports and resources on our website which can only be accessed by members. All members will receive a monthly e-news letter containing the latest green building developments, news about members, upcoming events, etc.


Receive discounted prices for Certification courses and RUGBC events.


Receive priority support in the use of Certification tools and also ensure your interests in green building practices are supported by Council representations to policymakers and regulatory bodies.


Connect with other green building advocates and practitioners at our events such as breakfast presentations, networking functions, site tours, Certification tool launches and other forums.


This is the opportunity to promote either yourself, your organisation or your capabilities through our web site, creating case studies and demonstrations. The RUGBC has a full-time PR manager specialised in promoting green building through an extensive contact-base


Sponsorship is exclusive to members. Demonstrate and profile your green leadership by sponsoring the Council, a rating tool or Green Building Council event.